

Emily’s HCI Portfolio

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Agent, GatekEEper, Drug dealer: How Content crafts craft algorithmic personas

Conducted semi-structured interviews with 9 YouTube content creators, created design provocations to engage creators in algorithmic design, designed surveys, and performed thematic analysis to discover that creators assign human characteristics to the algorithm, in what we termed, algorithmic personas. Published in The Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction (CSCW 2019).

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An evaluation of semantically grouped word Cloud designs

Designed a rigorous, controlled online experiment to evaluate our semantically grouped word cloud designs. Goal was to create understandable, yet aesthetic word cloud designs. To determine usability of designs, 137 participants partook in a categorization task similar to a game of Taboo: each visual stimulus contained 25 words and 5 categories to be guessed. Additionally, ran in-person usability pilot studies. Published in IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics (VIS 2019).

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ucsf delirium reduction initiative

Worked with UCSF to design a dashboard to evaluate the overall success of the UCSF Delirium Reduction Initiative. Won “Best UI Design” awards from both UCSF Directors and peers.